Speech Therapy

Odom Rehab’s Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) are passionate about providing evidenced-based assessment and treatment approaches to diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders. The scope of practice for SLP encompasses speech, language, cognitive, voice and swallowing domains. The focus of the SLP team is to ensure patients have as much control and dignity as possible to effectively communicate, participate fully with daily activities and be able to enjoy eating and drinking as safely as possible. SLPs aim to identify the patient’s abilities and use them to empower patients to maximize their independence and quality of life.

Scope of Practice Includes

Diagnosis of Communication barriers
Diagnosis of Swallowing Disorders
Speech and Language Assessments (speaking, listening, reading, writing, processing, pragmatics)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessments
Communication Strategy Training
Cognitive Assessments
Memory loss Compensatory Strategies
Training for Memory, Attention, Problem Solving
Addressing Executive Functioning Deficits
CVA Rehab (chronic and acute)
Parkinson’s Disease Management
Voice Assessments
Dysphagia (swallowing) Assessments
Restorative Dysphagia Treatment
Compensatory Strategy Training to Improve Swallow Safety
Diet Recommendations
Behavior Management
Dementia Management
Patient and Caregiver Education
Behavior Management

Often when clients with dementia exhibit “behaviors,” difficulty in understanding others or expressing themselves is either a cause or contributor to the problem. Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) assess for language and cognitive impairments, identify the most appropriate communication strategies, and recommend the most appropriate activities to optimize the patient’s comfort, mood and behavior. At the center of treatment is collaboration with clients, family members and caregivers to develop successful strategies for care.


Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important aspects of everyday life. Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are critically aware of the importance of being able to communicate as effectively as possible and are experts in assessing communication disorders.  SLPs play a central role in helping each client communicate with the following methods: focus on identifying areas of strength; implement low and high tech systems as appropriate; and provide families and caregivers essential education for the best results. 

COPD Management

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive disease. Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) can play a proactive and critical role in optimizing a client’s ability to speak and swallow. Odom SLPs provide evidenced-based treatments and strategy training to help preserve and compensate for these critical functions.

Dementia Management
Odom Therapists are experts when it comes to working with clients with dementia, meeting them where they are in the disease process to optimize their quality of life. Often when clients with dementia exhibit “behaviors”; difficulty in understanding others or expressing themselves is either a cause or contributor to the problem. Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) assess for language and cognitive impairments, identify the most appropriate communication strategies, and recommend the most appropriate activities to optimize the patient’s quality of life and slow the rate of anticipated decline. At the center of treatment is collaborating with patients, family members and caregivers to develop successful strategies for care.  
Odom Rehab developed and operationalizes unparalleled dementia programming:  SensAbility stimulates intact abilities through sensory processes to optimize a resident’s care. 
Memory Loss Compensatory Strategies

Many people assume that it is normal to experience memory loss with aging. In actuality, it can be a symptom of various medical conditions. Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) assess for the presence and severity of memory loss.  Once determined, SLPs help clients, families and caregivers understand the impact on function and safety.  Treatments may include skilled instruction on memory strategies, environmental modification, and utilization of environmental aids within the client’s home. These modifications reduce the burden of care on family members and caregivers and facilitate  independence and safety.

Mobile Swallow Studies (FEES-Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing)

In an effort to provide the best treatments and outcomes to our clients, Odom Rehab Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are certified to provide instrumental swallowing and voice procedures. This procedure offers incredible insight into the swallow function and associated anatomy, facilitating recommendations regarding diet textures, consistencies, and strategies.

Parkinson’s Disease Management

Parkinson’s Disease affects each person differently.  Symptoms vary in presence and intensity. Our therapists address your situation. Examples of interventions that Odom Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) typically focus on include: improving respiratory capacity, increasing voice volume, improving articulation, reducing monotone speech, and performing swallow assessments and treatment. Our SLPs are specially trained in SPEAK OUT!® programming, proven to improve quality of communication.  Your treatment is uniquely designed to optimize your functional capacity and your overall health, addressing the aspects most important to you. 

Speech and Language Assessments
Odom Rehab Speech-Language Pathologists understand the role of cognitive and language decline on a client’s ability to function independently and safely within his or her home and community. At Odom, we are proud to provide best practice standardized cognitive-linguistic assessments and analysis to our clients. These tools can help clients, families and caregivers better understand the client’s status and implications on daily life. This information is useful in determining the client’s ability to learn strategies, and ultimately guiding decisions related to choosing appropriate levels of assistance for enhancing safety.
Swallowing Disorders

Swallowing is a bodily function many of us take for granted, until it becomes affected. Many neurological disorders, medical injuries or progressive conditions can contribute to the onset of dysphagia (disordered swallowing). Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are specifically trained to complete dysphagia evaluations, make appropriate diet recommendations, and identify and provide skilled training for compensatory strategies, and utilizing evidence-based strengthening interventions. Additionally, Odom Rehab has trained and certified SLPs to complete fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES), an instrumental assessment that can be completed in the patient’s home to better understand and observe the swallow function.


Videostroboscopy is an instrumental procedure that allows specially trained Speech-Language Pathologists to observe a client’s vocal tract, including the vocal cords, to determine the severity of vocal deficits, make appropriate referrals, determine the appropriate vocal treatment, and measure change across the course of treatment.  The video feedback produced can also be seen by the client for improved understanding of his or her vocal system and rationale for recommendations.

Voice Assessments

Voice changes are common as people age and are also associated with several medical conditions. Vocal disorders can lead to a reduced ability to communicate with others, avoidance of social situations, increased isolation, and an overall reduced quality of life. In order to provide the best care to our clients, Odom Speech-Language Pathologists are trained to provide both clinical voice assessments as well as instrumental videostroboscopy procedures. These assessments aid in developing the most appropriate treatment plan.